
What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a research-based healthcare profession, that aims to alleviate pain, restore movement, and improve function. It takes a holistic approach that involves the client directly in their own care. At Mac Physio & Pilates, we integrate Physio assessment, hands on treatment and personalised rehabilitation with clear explanations to ensure you fully understand the problem and work with us to return you to full function.

What to expect at your first appointment?

You’ll start with a detailed assessment with one of our Physios. They may look at your posture, range of movement or muscle strength. They will be able to advise you on their findings and put together a tailored treatment programme. It’s best to bring something comfortable like a vest top and shorts to change in to. We also have close links with GP’s & specialist consultants and where indicated we can refer on for further investigations.

All our Physiotherapists are HCPC and CSP registered.

What We Treat

Back Pain

80% of the UK population suffers from spinal pain in their lifetime. This pain can originate from nerves, joints, ligaments or muscles. People often develop ongoing back pain and stiffness as a result of not getting the right treatment or advice. Our Physios will fully explain everything to you to help eliminate any worries or fears you have regarding moving & are highly skilled in providing hands-on treatments & rehabilitation.

We treat a range of conditions:

  • Sciatica
  • Disc related pain
  • Pre and post-natal back pain or Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction
  • Pinched nerves
  • Facet joint pain
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Scoliosis
  • Stenosis
  • Muscular pain or tightness
  • Post operative conditions
  • Thoracic pain
Hip Pain

Hip discomfort can be reported as being felt at the front of the hip, in the groin, on the inside or outside of the upper leg. Sometimes it can even refer into the buttock. Using a thorough assessment, we will be able to differentially diagnose what may be causing your problem and advise on the best course of treatment needed.

Common hip problems we treat are:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Tendinopathies
  • Muscle imbalances
  • Bursitis
  • Groin injuries
  • Labral tears
  • Total Hip replacements
Knee Pain

Knee pain can affect all of us at any age, whether it is an accident during a sporting event leading to ligament damage or a gradual worsening of knee pain over time due to degenerative changes.

We treat all types of knee pain including:

  • Meniscus (cartilage) injuries
  • Muscular strains or tears
  • Ligament injuries
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Patella femoral Dysfunction
  • Tendinopathies
  • Growth plate conditions such as Osgood Schlatter’s
  • Total & Partial knee replacements
Ankle & Foot Pain

The foot and ankle is a complex systems of bones, ligaments & muscles providing a rigid structure for weight-bearing but also a flexible structure to conform to uneven terrain. It plays an integral role in balance and providing shock absorbency. While pain here can be coming from isolated structures it is important to always look further up the body and ensure the ankle isn’t being overloaded due to weaknesses or issues around the hip or back.

Common problems we see are:

  • Achilles’s tendinopathies
  • Ligament sprains
  • Calf strains
  • Osteochondral issues
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Ankle and metatarsal fractures
  • Biomechanical Dysfunction
Neck Pain

Neck pain is very common with many causes, some you may not have even thought about! Our necks hold the weight of a bowling ball (our heads) all day long so poor posture can lead to problems. Other things such as carrying a heavy bag on one shoulder, repetitive activities or gritting your teeth can also lead to pain. Sometimes structures in our necks such as the nerves or joints can become irritated & a specialist assessment is needed to diagnose the cause and set out a treatment plan.

We commonly treat:

  • Osteoarthristis
  • Facet joint pain
  • Disc related pain
  • Muscular pain or tightness
  • Pinched nerves
  • Cervicogenic headaches
  • Post operative conditions
Shoulder Pain

The shoulder is a ball and socket joint (made of the head of your humerus – upper arm bone and scapula or shoulder blade). It has many ligaments and muscles that help to give it a huge amount of mobility but also at the same time keeping it stable & strong.

Sometimes these joint surfaces or the surrounding soft tissues can become irritated and cause pain. Some of the causes which we can be helped with Physiotherapy may be:

  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Tendinopathy
  • Muscular imbalance
  • Post-operative rehabilitation
  • Bursitis
  • Shoulder dislocation
Elbow & Wrist Pain

Wrist and elbow pain is a very common presentation within the adult population, with nearly a third of work-related injuries being due to pain in this area. This can be debilitating affecting your ability to work or enjoy your hobbies. Many people will rest and avoid activities for fear of further ‘damaging their arm’, when sometimes the correct exercises and rehab with guidance, will generate a much better outcome. Common conditions we see, and treat are:

  • Carpal tunnel / Cubital tunnel
  • De Quervain’s
  • Repetitive strain injuries (RSI)
  • Lateral & medial epicondylitis (tennis & golfers’ elbow)
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rehabilitation post fracture
Surgery Pre & Rehab

Sometimes prior to surgery it is important for you to build muscle strength or work on mobility to achieve the optimum outcome of your surgical procedure, we are here to guide and advise you on the most safe and effective exercises for this stage in your journey as well as rehab for your recovery post-surgery, we work closely with the consultants to ensure we are following any necessary protocols and communicate with the regularly to keep them updated on your progress.

Some examples of pre and post-surgical rehab we help with are:

  • Total Knee Replacement (TKR)
  • Total Hip Replacement (THR)
  • Knee Ligament reconstructions – such as ACL / PCL
  • Rotator cuff repairs
  • Shoulder replacements
  • Ankle ligament reconstructions
  • Osteotomies

Treatments We Offer

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy involves a combination of ‘hands on’ treatments’ such as joint mobilisations to restore movement, as opposed to using a device or machine. Therapists use their hands to apply pressure on muscle tissue and joints in an attempt to facilitate tissue repair and decrease pain caused by muscle spasm, muscle tension, and joint restriction.

Soft Tissue Techniques
A sports massage at Mac Physio will include a combination of techniques such as myofascial trigger point release, where the therapist applies compression to a tight spot in the muscle until release occurs or active release techniques (ART) which is a soft tissue method that focuses on relieving tissue tension via encouraging full lengthening of a muscle and smooth gliding of any other neural and soft tissue structures. Deep soft tissue massage is also an integral part of treatment – aiming to improve circulation, relax muscles, improve range of motion, and increase endorphin levels to assist with pain relief
Exercise Rehabilitation
Manual therapy can be very helpful in restoring movement, but your rehab is the key to maintain these improvements and help prevent future recurrences. Your exercise rehabilitation will be specific and tailored to your needs, it may comprise of a mixture of focused strength work either through the use of body weight, or other forms of resistance such as resistance bands or free weights coupled with mobility exercises and stretches. You will be shown a range of techniques you can take away to put into practice, these may be static stretches or more dynamic using small equipment such as the foam roller or spiky balls.

Our Clinic

Unit 1, Stourbridge Health & Social Care Centre, John Corbett Drive, Stourbridge DY8 4JB
(Free car parking to the front & off-street parking nearby)

Opening Hours:
Monday: 8.30am – 8.00pm
Tuesday: 8.00am – 8.00pm
Wednesday: 8.00am – 8.00pm
Thursday: 8.30am – 8.00pm
Friday: 8.30am – 4.30pm
Saturday: 9.30am – 10.30am (Pilates class only)
Sunday: Closed

Client Stories

Excellent experience. Sophie provided a thorough physio pain management and improvement program for my lower back pain. Both Sophie and the team were professional and were exceptionally helpful regarding flexibility of appointments due to work commitments. Highly recommend.

Lewis Hayward

I chose Mac physio due to recommendation and they were spot on. Sophia was able to identify my strained knee tendon and recommend treatment and exercises to get me back up and running. She provided exercises via the Physio tec app which showed the correct technique. I would recommend them!

Steven Pearson

Over the course of a year with a complex injury I’ve always had the the best advice and amazing support from MAC physio to assist my recovery. Brilliant service from making appointments to the online easy access exercise programme. 5 Stars!!

Louise Reather

I have been seeing Martin since October 21 with a frozen shoulder in lots of pain and with limited movement. He has been amazing and with lots of care, personalised exercise routines, hands on massage and manipulation, I have got most of my movement back and have minimal pain in my shoulder. He is very experienced, patient, and professional and I can't recommend Martin services enough and you will be in very safe, skilled hands. Thanks again Martin!

Kalpna Patel

Amazing service, I had been to so many people who couldn’t sort out my issue. The knowledge and experience the physiotherapists have is outstanding and you really can’t put a price on being able to resume to your normal life without pain. Recommend for anyone who is going through joint/ muscle pain or stiffness.

Yusuf Khan

Following a wrist fracture, Martin and his team examined me thoroughly and provided an in-depth, personalised workout regimen that aided my recovery. During the sessions Martin took the time to massage and manipulate the effected joint and made sure I was making progress. I believe his expertise shortened my recovery time dramatically and mean I’m now back to 100 percent function.

Jon Serdne

I had always been to a physio who was good, and I was a fan of physio as I played sport all my life and suffered for it!! I now have arthritis in areas (I am 61) but when I went to Annie my views went up into a different league. Her diagnosis was spot on there is a lot you can do with muscles and soft tissue to reduce the effects of arthritis. She found ways of curing pain that I can continue at home. I have never been so aware and understand my body.

Carolynne Clarke

Excellent Physiotherapists!
Our teenage daughter has been using Mac Physio & Pilates due to a lower back pain which had been causing her constant pain every day, for at least 2 years. The professionalism and knowledge of the pain issue, coupled with such empathy shown towards our daughter certainly went above and beyond any previous expectations we had. 

Jude & Guy Baggott

Had a Sports Massage with Jodie last week. I won’t lie, it hurt, but that’s the whole point of them in my opinion. The relief afterwards was intensely gratifying, and the visible results of tension relief was unbelievable. I thought it was muscle, but no, it was tension. The aches and pains have almost gone. Another session and hopefully I’ll be sorted. Don’t neglect your bodies people, you only get one. 

Anna Lawrence

I have seen both Martin & Annie at Mac physio as well as attending Annie's Pilates classes. I can't recommend them enough! After seeing so many different specialists for issues from a childhood injury, they finally found solutions to ease my back/hip/knee problems. They have helped me to keep on top of my injuries with hands on physio and exercises. After on and off treatment for approx. 18 months I still regularly attend Pilates classes.

Samantha Pearson

Very professional set up, even during covid. They have been my go-to and keep fit with on-line classes. Annie manages to always have a slightly different routine in classes but very easy to follow. they are well structured and super support. I started with beginners and are mixed ability now. I have advanced cancer in the spine, neck and hip.

Lenneke Van der Houwen

After getting nowhere with an NHS physio I decided to go and see Martin after being recommended by a friend. Martin gave me different advice to the NHS physio but as I was paying, I decided to listen! I should have done so months ago and my hamstring problem may have been resolved. I also did a 6-week Pilates course with Annie which was excellent and really helped me too. 

Sally Grainger

Went to Annie with a niggle in my back she soon sorted me out and gave me some exercises to maintain it. Not looked back. Now doing her Pilates on a Wednesday which is fab and really strengthening up my core. Thanks, your just GREAT!

Beverley Edwards

Went to Annie with a niggle in my back she soon sorted me out and gave me some exercises to maintain it. Not looked back. Now doing her Pilates on a Wednesday which is fab and really strengthening up my core. Thanks, your just GREAT!

Beverley Edwards